
Chinese Proverb 2

The phrase “七転八起” (shichi ten hakki) is a Japanese idiom that can also be found in Chinese, written as “七转八起” (qī zhuǎn bā qǐ). It conveys the idea of perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges or setbacks. Here’s an explanation of its meaning:

qī diǎn bā qǐ
چِھی چُوعَین پَا چِھی

七 (qī) means “seven,” 転 (ten) means “fall” or “stumble,” 八 (hakku) means “eight,” and 起 (qi) means “rise” or “get up.” Together, the idiom expresses the concept of falling down seven times but getting up eight times.

The idiom signifies the importance of not giving up, even when faced with difficulties or failures. It emphasizes the resilience to keep rising and trying again, no matter how many times one falls or encounters obstacles. It conveys the spirit of perseverance, determination, and the belief that setbacks are not permanent barriers to success.

Examples of how this idiom can be applied in various contexts include:

  1. Academic Challenges:

    A student facing academic challenges, such as failing an exam, can embody the spirit of “七転八起” by not being discouraged and instead learning from their mistakes, seeking help, and continuing to study diligently until they achieve their desired academic results.
  2. Career Setbacks:

    In a professional setting, someone who faces career setbacks, such as being passed over for a promotion, can adopt the mindset of “七転八起” by learning from the experience, improving their skills, and persistently pursuing their career goals, even if it means facing multiple rejections.
  3. Personal Goals:

    Individuals striving to achieve personal goals, such as starting a business or learning a new skill, may encounter setbacks and obstacles along the way. By embodying the spirit of “七転八起,” they can maintain a positive mindset, adapt their approach, and persevere until they succeed.

In essence, “七転八起” encourages individuals to maintain resilience and determination, acknowledging that setbacks are a natural part of life’s journey. By persistently getting up after every fall, one can overcome challenges and ultimately achieve their goals.

Questions & Answers

Q: What does the proverb “七転八起” mean?

A: The proverb “七転八起” translates to “fall down seven times, stand up eight.” It conveys the idea of persevering through challenges and setbacks, emphasizing the importance of never giving up and continuing to try even after facing repeated failures.


Q: What is the significance of “七転八起”?

A: This proverb highlights the value of resilience and determination in the face of adversity. It teaches us that setbacks are a natural part of life, but success comes from the ability to keep getting up and trying again no matter how many times we fall.


Q: Is there a cultural context behind this proverb?

A: Yes, “七転八起” is rooted in Japanese culture, where the idea of perseverance and endurance is highly regarded. It reflects the ethos of not letting failures define you and instead using them as stepping stones toward eventual success.


Q: How can I apply the principle of “七転八起” in my life?

A: You can apply this principle by maintaining a positive mindset, viewing failures as opportunities for growth, and not being discouraged by setbacks. Embrace challenges, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward despite obstacles.


Q: Can you give an example of “七転八起” in real life?**

A: Certainly. Imagine someone starting a new business. They face numerous challenges and setbacks, such as financial difficulties and market competition, causing them to experience failures along the way. However, they persistently learn from their mistakes, adapt their strategies, and eventually achieve success.

Q: What qualities does the proverb “七転八起” promote?

A: This proverb promotes qualities such as resilience, determination, perseverance, adaptability, and a positive attitude. It encourages individuals to embrace failures as part of the journey to success.


Q: Is “七転八起” applicable only to big challenges?

A: No, “七転八起” can be applied to challenges of any scale. It’s a mindset that encourages persistence in everyday situations, whether facing minor setbacks or major obstacles.


Q: Is giving up ever an option in light of “七転八起”?

A: While “七転八起” encourages persistence, there may be situations where reassessment and redirection are more prudent than blindly persisting. It’s important to strike a balance between resilience and knowing when to change course.


Q: Are there similar proverbs in other cultures?

A: Yes, many cultures have proverbs that convey a similar message of perseverance and determination. For example, in English, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” reflects a comparable sentiment.


Q: How does “七転八起” relate to personal growth?

A: “七転八起” is closely tied to personal growth, as it encourages individuals to learn from failures, develop new skills, and become more adaptable. It fosters a mindset of continuous improvement and resilience in the face of challenges.

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